Wednesday 2 January 2013

Published Poetry: The Ghazal Page, Ekphrastic Issue

Happy New Year!
Philadelphia, January 2012

It seems strange to think that almost exactly a year ago I was having a wonderful picnic lunch here by the ships along the historic waterside in Philadelphia.

This year I am at home in Suffolk, UK, enjoying photographs like this one that conjure up memories.

Speaking of prompts and links, I am delighted to have an illustrated Tercet Ghazal, 'Coat Collage', up on The Ghazal Page in editor, Gene Doty's ekphrastic issue.

You will find the issue here, along with my poem and artwork. Ekphrasis is a subject that continues to fascinate me. You will find a previous post on the subject here.

Be sure to read the ekphrastic poems by the other contributors, including Kay Weeks, who sometimes comments on this blog. David and I met Kay in Philadelphia just a year ago! 

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

Congratulations! I've been neglecting ghazals recently, sadly...