Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Anthology Alert: Tuesday Poetry ~ People and Places

Cover design: Richard Salkilld

I am delighted to receive copies of this volume from the Tuesday Poets in Swansea. The anthology has been produced by Jean Salkilld, and features work by Ann Cooke, Gillian Drake, Margaret Duguid, Caroline Gill, Brett Hayes, Ruth Jenkins, Ll. Hugh Nicholas, Carole Pearson, Carolina Rosati-Jones and Jean Salkilld.

Tuesday Poets arose out of creative writing courses under the auspices of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education at Swansea University. This is the third anthology in the series. The first had a seasonal focus, the second (2011) was based on the theme of 'colour'. The 2012 theme is 'people and places'.

My poems in the volume are ekphrastic ones, namely 'Harmony in Fragmentation' ('Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte' by Seurat) and 'Turner's Loch Coruisk, Skye'.

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