Monday 10 March 2014

Anthology Alert ~ Pre-Raphaelite Poetry II ed. Serena Trowbridge

There is a new poetry anthology out from the Pre-Raphaelite Society, edited by Dr Serena Towbridge. The blurb on the back runs as follows,

'Collected here in Pre-Raphaelite Poetry II are the entries to the Pre-Raphaelite Society's second poetry competition. The poems offer a myriad of pleasantly surprising responses to the Pre-Raphaelites, their successors, paintings, poetry or lives.'

The anthology contains my sonnet, 'Strayed Sheep on our English Coasts'. You can see the painting of 1852 by William Holman Hunt that inspired the poem by clicking the link here.

Copies of the anthology are for sale here.

1 comment:

Clarissa Aykroyd said...

Congrats Caroline - I'm in it too with 'Merlin'! I noticed your name and enjoyed your poem.