'Haunting, quirky and evocative, these beautiful poems
chart the changing moods of the Fenland landscape.'
This new poetry anthology has recently been published by FlightFeather Press in celebration of 'nature and the Fens'. Sale profits will raise funds for the conservation work at the Welney Wildlife and Wetland Trust Centre.
Elaine Ewart, the editor and 2012 Fenland Laureate, was helped by three assistant editors, Karen Harvey, Samantha Lee (the Public Engagement Officer at Welney) and Carol Turner (a member of the Friends of Welney Group). The cover was designed by Karen Harvey and the superb cover illustration is entitled 'Whooper Swans and Lapwings' by Dafila Scott. Leanne Moden, the 2013 Fenland Laureate, has also been involved with the project.
The volume contains 22 poems, including my piece inspired by the Welney hares, 'For the Love of Long Ears'. I am particularly delighted to have a poem in this volume because I love this Norfolk reserve and am impressed by the conservation work that goes on at the site.
The collection features poets from East Anglia and is described by eco-literature warrior, Irish Sirmons on the Wildeasters blog, as holding ‘exceptional talent and potential’.
Words for Wide Skies can be purchased from the WWT Welney shop, priced at £5 plus postage and packing. Contact WWT Welney on 01353 860711 or by e-mail at info.welney@wwt.org.uk

- Elaine Ewart's FlightFeather blog. Elaine performs her poetry around the country and organizes poetry events. She is studying the MA in Wild Writing at Essex University and is also a volunteer at WWT Welney.
- Initial feedback on the anthology
- the Words for Wide Skies launch event (which happened while I was north of the border)
- J.S. Watts and Words for Wide Skies
Postscript ...
- My poem, 'Glossy Ibis near Welney', appears in the current (July 2013) on p.26 of Reach Poetry #178.
Congratulations on the poem :)
Congratulations Caroline, nice cause and photos.
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