Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Magazine Moment (27): Australia

Dartmoor Pony

We have been so busy moving house (an ongoing process) that my writing time has temporarily diminished. However, I received a package today from NSW, Australia, containing FreeXpresSion for September 2011, Vol. XVII - Issue No.9, ed. Peter F. Pike. The magazine incorporates the International Poetry Xpressions column prepared by Catherine Lee Clarke. This issue contains six of my poems ...
  • Elegy for Idris Davies [55/2001]  
  • Monte Testaccio: Mound of Potsherds [ 53/2003] 
  • Weddell Seal at the Ice Edge  [29/2010]
  • Isabella Tiger Moth greets the Woolly Bear Caterpillar [42/2009] 
  • Dartmoor: the Call of the Wild [10/2000] 
  • Velvet Shadows in Venice: 'The Stonemason's Yard' [1727-8] by Canaletto [2/2004]
I have now had poems published in UK, Romania, USA, India and Australia.


Crafty Green Poet said...

(belated!) congratulations and hope your move is now complete!

Caroline Gill said...

Not complete, Juliet, until we have read this (Swansea) end in Dylan's parlour for
National Poetry Day> ... and then we only move in to temp. accomm. in Suffolk!