I am a total novice at Dragonfly identification; any help here would be appreciated!

? Aeshna juncea - Common Hawker
P.S. July 2010: For an update on this I.D. [i], please see comments below![ii]

I have not been able - as yet - to identify this Dragonfly.
It had compact heavy features
and seemed to enjoy dive-bombing, 'helicopter-style', into the water.

I think it may be a Chaser
(having looked at a Four-Spotted Chaser on the Kenfig blog here)
N.B. I have attempted to give each individual Dragonfly a number e.g. [vi],
which will appear just above a its photograph.
It is possible that there may be more than one example of any species.
which will appear just above a its photograph.
It is possible that there may be more than one example of any species.
I will focus on the Damselfly in my next post.
The first (blow up) is a Hairy dragonfly (Brachytron pratense). I think you are right that the abdomen dipper is an egg-laying Broad-bodied chaser.
Thank you very much indeed for this. I have found a picture of Brachytron pratense here...
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