Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Magazine Moment (7): Wendy Webb's TIPS for Writers 76

Ladybirds near the entrance to
Epworth Old Rectory,
home of the Wesley family

My ladybird Haiku / 俳句 has been published in TIPS for Writers issue 76. It nestles in among a rainbow selection of poems, which include free verse and forms. There are other Haiku, such as those by Kay Weeks (in Maryland, USA) and Beth Buckley. There is a Tetractys by Tina Negus - not forgetting prize-winning Haiku poet, Claire Knight's delightful Echotain, Villanelle and Magi poems.

This edition celebrates James Knox Whittet's win in Wendy's Pamphlet Competition. His new collection, Carousel of Silences, will appear soon. Details available from Wendy. If you enjoy poetry news, views and tips, why not send her an email, asking to subscribe to eTIPS, which will then arrive in your inbox each month.

The mermaid bench end below is from the lovely church in Zennor in Cornwall. Wendy's book, A Mermaid's Tale, is now available. The mermaid cover painting is by Kay Weeks. You can read more about the publication here on Wendy's blog, or here on my Land&Lit page.


Kay Weeks said...

You are very generous to embrace other poets from faraway...it is most appreciated, Caroline!

Tips for Writers said...

How Caroline's ladybird of Epworth Rectory turned into the Ladybug of Wiltshire, in my final mermaid's tale, who knows? The 6th tale is a work of complete fiction... but swim aboard early if you want to understand the currents that led to Xanadu.

Pan Haiku Review said...

For anyone who might be tempted to enter a haiku competition, we are now open until Sunday 21st November 2010.

The With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2010: With Words

all my very best,

With Words