Sparrow in Philadelphia |
I enjoyed taking part in the
1st International “sparrow” Kukai organised by editors, Rita Odeh from Nazareth and
John Daleiden over at
Catching the Moment.
The kigo (season word/topic) was SPARROW/S.
I read on the
Haiku World site that 'a kukai is a peered review poetry contest. A topic is assigned by the secretary, and all poets submit their poems on that topic to the secretary. An 'anonymized' list is then distributed to all participating poets and they are invited to vote. Votes are returned anonymously to the secretary who tallies the votes and resends the poems to the participants, this time with names and points revealed.'
There were some excellent entries, and some real surprises in terms of the approach to the challenge. There were also some familiar Haiku words and phrases that popped up in more than one entry, e.g. cherry blossom, Spring, sun, rain, wind, silence, song ... and perhaps more surprisingly, mailbox.
As participants, we were invited to cast votes up to a total of six points, which could be divided between three entries. One of my Haiku failed to make the long-list, but the other two came in at 7th and 9th place. I hope to enter future Kukai, and to hone my Haiku skill as I go along.
There are various kukai on the web, e.g. the
Romanian Kukai site. If you would like to enter Rita's next one, you can find the details
here. You have until 10 May.
P.S. My thanks (once again!) to
Crafty Green Poet, who drew my attention to the Sparrow kukai.