Thursday 4 October 2012

Fiesta Time: National Poetry Day Poetree Workshop

'... when the stars threw down their spears ...' 
William Blake

We gathered in Gainsborough Community Library in Ipswich for a National Poetry Day afternoon. The library had a Poetree in its foyer, and we were each invited to add a poetic leaf to the branches. Of course, we had to write the poems first!

It was soon time for a series of exercises designed to flex our poetic muscles. We played a kind of 'write a poem' version of Consequences, selecting words or phrases that could be incorporated into our own poetic offerings. So eventually, armed with ideas, words and phrases, we each selected a fine art picture ... and tried to harness our thoughts, ensuring that we had a brief but pretty well honed piece to transcribe onto our respective leaves.

Each person had been invited to bring and share a favourite poem, and we had the chance to say why our choices particularly appealed. I chose The Tyger by William Blake. It was one of the first animal poems to roar along into the poetic menagerie of my childhood. It is, I believe, a poem that can appeal to young and old alike. It celebrates the creative process, and you can almost hear the hammer banging away on the anvil as you read it aloud. Other selected poets included (among others) Eliot, Wordsworth and Yeats.

Poetree leaves, T.S. Eliot poems, pens, paper and coffee ...

... the leafy ingredients ...

... of much industry ...

We gathered by the Poetree ...

... to hang our leaves...

... on the green branches ...

... inside the green library building ...

... where a lot of fun ...

... was had by all!

This could be you!


The Solitary Walker said...

Sounds like a good day!

Thanks for the comment you left on my new poetry site, The Passionate Transitory, Caroline. BTW, I wondered if you had considered submitting some of your own excellent poems? You would retain full copyright and be free to publish them elsewhere. And if you get the chance to spread the word about my new e-zine to any of your many contacts in the poetry world, I would be so grateful!

Best wishes, Robert, Editor, The Passionate Transitory (

Marc Latham said...

Looks like it was a nice day in a nice venue Caroline.

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you, Marc and Robert. Robert: I will gladly give The Passionate Transitory a plug.