Friday, 18 March 2011

International Echoes (13): 俳句 in Response to the Earthquake

Cherry Trees in Cwmdonkin Park, Swansea, Wales, UK (where the young Dylan Thomas played)

We continue to reel at the events of the past few days and at the prospect of what is still to come. Our hearts go out to those who have been affected.

You might like to read some Haiku (俳句), written by members of our global community in solidarity with our friends in Japan, New Zealand and elsewhere.

Ban'ya Natsuishi has been preparing a blog post of these sentiments. If you click the link and scroll down far enough, you will see that I have sent a Haiku from Wales.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Caroline,

Good to see you are doing your bit re the Japan disasters.

There have been several initiatives, here is one I was involved in that raised £5000 in total, of which around £400 was for the haiku posters.

Japan Auction Aid: haiku posters

Another lovely haiku iniative that becomes live later in May:

Cities in Green Leaves Ginko-no-Kukai and haiku competition

all my best,

Alan, With Words

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, and I hope you get involved with other Japan project called Cities in Green Leaves Ginko-no-kukai. ;-)

Alan, With Words