Monday, 14 June 2021

A Book in the Hand ... 'Driftwood by Starlight', my new poetry collection


To my great excitement, 'advance copies' of Driftwood by Starlight, my first full-length poetry collection, have reached my Suffolk home today. Here I am holding my first copy, trying hard to keep the 1- and 2-degree burns on my left hand out of the frame! 


Immense thanks are due to Peter Thabit Jones of The Seventh Quarry Press, who has enabled this wonderful day to happen. 

Driftwood by Starlight can be purchased from The Seventh Quarry Press online shop here.

Susan Richardson has generously written the back-cover blurb. The following words will give you a flavour of the collection ...





Saturday, 12 June 2021

Publication Day ... 'Driftwood by Starlight', The Seventh Quarry Press


I am excited and delighted to announce that Peter Thabit Jones of The Seventh Quarry Press in Swansea has just published my first single-authored poetry collection, Driftwood by Starlight. I am immensely grateful to Peter.

The book can be purchased from the online shop on The Seventh Quarry website - here

Fellow poet, Susan Richardson, has written the following words:


Laurence Hartwell generously provided the cover photograph of Cadgwith Cove on The Lizard in Cornwall, UK.  

As it happens, one of my poems in the collection, Elegy for Idris Davies, is currently a Poem of the Month on the SecondLight website here