The publications in the photo above have all come out in time for Christmas.
Four Word Stories, edited by Mai Black, is for sale on Amazon at £4. The volume contains a selection of micro-fiction produced by members of Ipswich Writing Group. The stories were written in five minutes during a workshop, with a little time thereafter for editing. Each writer was given four random words from a pile created by participants.
My story is called
'Jupiter | basket | today | creature'
Flight, edited by Jean Salkilld, is the latest anthology of poems from the Tuesday Poetry group. I was a member of the group when I lived in Swansea. It contains airborne poems about birds (wild geese), heroes (Superman), bats, fairies and aircraft (air ambulance).
The volume includes two of my poems, 'The Bumblebee Bat' and 'Glossy Ibis near Welney'.
The volume includes my shortlisted poem, 'Meteor Shower'.